The History of SLG
Our Roots – “Nuestras Raices”
During the fall of 1989, the foundation of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. was commenced by collegiate women who recognized the need to form an organization that provided empowerment to women of all cultural backgrounds. Her humble beginnings were built at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa where their vision was to create a network of academic and social support for Latina women. Under the guidance of Esther Materon Arum and Mary Peterson, the vision came to fruition on April 9th, 1990, as the University of Iowa Panhellenic Council officially recognized the organization as a sorority.
Through the continued commitment and leadership of the founding mothers, the operation of Sigma Lambda Gamma has thrived on many college campuses and provides an avenue for educational excellence to women of many nationalities. Our members recognize the need for togetherness and support among women of varying cultures at the university level and they remain dedicated to the overall success of women in a global environment.
Today, Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. has evolved into a multicultural sorority that still honors its Latina roots. Since its founding, our scope and appeal as a vibrantly diverse sorority committed to empowering all of our members have become a central element of the organization.
Sigma Lambda Gamma is a sisterhood of women who have chosen this affiliation as a manner to achieve personal development and awareness to the responsibility of community involvement for the betterment of our local, regional, national, and global communities through the efforts of a network of close to 10,000 sorority members. Furthermore, we continue to be a pioneer in the Fraternal world through development of innovative programming initiatives.
Membership into Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. is open to all individuals who identify as women or as non-binary, maintain exceptional morals & ethics, with a demonstrated commitment to academic excellence, and who are pursuing or have completed courses leading to a degree at an accredited college or university.
Founding Mothers
Gloria Cuevas
Julieta Maria Miller-Calderon
Maria Ester Pineda
Danell Marie Riojas-Carbajal
Guadalupe Cruz Temiquel
Alpha Chapter - First Line
Patricia Arroyo, Noemi Elizabeth Diaz-Arevalo, Angel Maria Martinez, Seema Kumari Singh, Gabriela Villafuerte-Mendoza
National Entities
A chapter is an established entity of Sigma Lambda Gamma ​at a specific college or university.
*Entities exist in the following pink states*
Alpha - Omega
​Alpha: University of Iowa
Beta: University of Michigan
Gamma: Iowa State University
Delta: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign -(closed)
Epsilon: Central Michigan University
Zeta: Illinois State University -(restart)
Eta: Northern Illinois University -(closed)
Theta: Western Illinois University
Iota: Kansas State University
Kappa: University of Toledo- Ohio
Lambda: Saginaw Valley State University, Michigan -(closed)
Mu: University of South Florida
Nu: California State University, Dominguez Hills
Xi: University of Texas, Austin
Omicron: Bowling Green State University, Ohio
Pi: Southern Methodist University- Texas
Rho: University of Chicago, Illinois -(closed)
Sigma: University of Illinois, Chicago
Tau: SUNY, Stony Brook, New York
Upsilon: Eastern Michigan University -(closed)
Phi: Western Michigan University
Chi: Purdue University, Indiana
Psi: Indiana University, Bloomington
Omega: Reserved
Alpha Beta - Psi Beta
​Alpha Beta: Loyola Marymount University, California
Beta Beta: University of Missouri, Columbia -(closed)
Gamma Beta: Kean University, New Jersey -(closed)
Delta Beta: University of Northern Colorado
Epsilon Beta: University of California, Irvine
Zeta Beta: Sam Houston State University, Texas
Eta Beta: Loyola University, Chicago -(closed)
Theta Beta: Stephen F. Austin, Texas
Iota Beta: University of Central Florida
Kappa Beta: Colorado College -(closed)
Lambda Beta: California State University, Northridge
Mu Beta: United States Military Academy, Highland Falls, New York
Nu Beta: University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Xi Beta: University of Oklahoma
Omicron Beta: University of Texas, Arlington
Pi Beta: Georgia State University -(closed)
Rho Beta: University of North Texas
Sigma Beta: University of Tampa, Florida
Tau Beta: California State University, Long Beach
Upsilon Beta: University of Texas, El Paso
Phi Beta: University of Central Oklahoma
Chi Beta: University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Psi Beta: Florida A&M University
Alpha Delta - Psi Delta
​Alpha Delta: University of Houston, Downtown
Beta Delta: Chicago State University
Gamma Delta: Vanderbilt University
Delta Delta: Texas Womens University
Epsilon Delta: University of California, Santa Barbara
Zeta Delta: University of Idaho
Eta Delta: City College of New York -(closed)
Theta Delta: Columbia University
Iota Delta: Millikin University
Kappa Delta: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Lambda Delta: Houston Baptist University
Mu Delta: Eastern Washington University
Nu Delta: Eastern Illinois University -(closed)
Xi Delta: Texas A&M Corpus Christi
Omicron Delta: University of Denver
Pi Delta: Arizona State University
Rho Delta: SUNY, New Paltz
Sigma Delta: Rutgers University Newark -(closed)
Tau Delta: Creighton University
Upsilon Delta: Denison University
Phi Delta: Florida Gulf Coast University -(closed)
Chi Delta: Wayne State University
Psi Delta: South Carolina State University​
Alpha Alpha - Psi Alpha
​Alpha Alpha: Truman State University, Missouri -(closed)
Beta Alpha: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Gamma Alpha: DePaul University, Illinois
Delta Alpha: University of Kansas
Epsilon Alpha: Bradley University, Illinois -(restart)
Zeta Alpha: Johnson & Wales University, Rhode Island -(closed)
Eta Alpha: Purdue, Calumet, Indiana -(closed)
Theta Alpha: Michigan State University
Iota Alpha: Florida State University -(closed)
Kappa Alpha: Colorado State University
Lambda Alpha: Texas A&M University
Mu Alpha: Pace University, New York -(closed)
Nu Alpha: University of Southern California
Xi Alpha: Texas State University, San Marcos
Omicron Alpha: Grand Valley State University, Michigan
Pi Alpha: Santa Clara University, California
Rho Alpha: University of Florida -(closed)
Sigma Alpha: University of Minnesota
Tau Alpha: Northwestern University, Illinois
Upsilon Alpha: Elmhurst College, Illinois
Phi Alpha: Pennsylvania State University
Chi Alpha: University of Houston, Texas
Psi Alpha: Rutgers University, New Jersey
Alpha Gamma - Psi Gamma
Alpha Gamma: University of Miami, Florida
Beta Gamma: University of Arizona
Gamma Gamma: Northeastern Illinois University
Delta Gamma: University of California, Los Angeles
Epsilon Gamma: Occidental College
Zeta Gamma: Ohio University
Eta Gamma: University of Buffalo -(closed)
Theta Gamma: Binghamton University
Iota Gamma: San Diego State University
Kappa Gamma: University of Wisconsin, Madison
Lambda Gamma: University of Wyoming
Mu Gamma: University of California, Davis
Nu Gamma: University of Colorado, Boulder
Xi Gamma: California State University, Sacramento
Omicron Gamma: Marquette University
Pi Gamma: Miami University
Rho Gamma: Texas Southern University
Sigma Gamma: Towson University
Tau Gamma: University of Alabama -(closed)
Upsilon Gamma: University of Washington
Phi Gamma: Florida International University
Chi Gamma: University of Nebraska, Kearney
Psi Gamma: University of California, Santa Cruz
Alpha Epsilon - Psi Epsilon
​Alpha Epsilon: Washington State University
Beta Epsilon: Dickinson College
Gamma Epsilon: DePauw University
Delta Epsilon: California State University, Los Angeles
Epsilon Epsilon: Oklahoma State University
Zeta Epsilon: University of Wisconsin, Parkside
Eta Epsilon: Louisiana State University
Theta Epsilon: Prairie View A&M University
Iota Epsilon: University of Nebraska, Omaha
Kappa Epsilon: Lewis University
Lambda Epsilon: University of Texas, Dallas
Mu Epsilon: Florida Atlantic University
Nu Epsilon: West Chester University
Xi Epsilon: University of North Florida
Omicron Epsilon: University of Dubuque
Pi Epsilon: Ohio State University
Rho Epsilon: Texas Tech University
Sigma Epsilon: St. Leo University
Tau Epsilon: University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Upsilon Epsilon: California State Polytechnic University
Phi Epsilon: Texas A&M International University